Terrorism and Domestic Radicalization with Richard English, PhD, MACJ, MSCJ
The discussion will cover the current radicalization of American youth by groups such as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). The Islamic State has developed very effective techniques in reaching the nation’s youth in recruiting and radicalizing them to take up arms against the U.S. and support the terror groups. Many U.S. citizens have been arrested and charged with serious crimes due to the efforts of these groups. We will discuss this as well as the characteristics of young people who are vulnerable and indicators as to what to watch for with young people who may be in contact with terror groups through online portals. Even honor students are being recruited and children with parents of affluent backgrounds or parents who are in law enforcement and the military. Examples of radicalized individuals will be provided and the plans that they developed to fight against their own country.
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