Visitor Survey

Tell us about your recent visit...

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Entry Time
Exit Time
How many visits to the Tallahassee Museum do you take per year?(Required)
What was your main reason for visiting?(Required)

Please rate your experience by selecting a rating from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent) for each area below.

Trail Break Cafe
Museum Store
Guest Animal
Big Bend Farm
Historic Buildings\Caboose
Wildlife Florida Trail
Jim Gary's 20th Century Dinosaurs
Tree to Tree Adventures
Do you plan to participate in Tree to Tree Adventures in the future?

Please tell us about yourself.

Where have you seen or heard about us lately?(Required)
Please mark all that apply.
Museum Member?
Race / Ethnicity:
Your Highest Completed Grade
How long have you lived in Tallahassee?

Please rate your museum experience by selecting a rating from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent) for each area below.

Maintenance & Cleanliness
Information at Exhibits
Educational Value
Entertainment Value
Maps, Directions and Signage
Employee Courtesy & Knowledge
Overall Value for the Money
Exceeded Overall Expectations

Which of our fundraising events have you attended recently:
Please mark all that apply.

Do you consider the Tallahassee Museum, a private nonprofit organization, a worthy place for you to make a monetary donation to continue our future success?
Would you encourage others to monetarily support the Tallahassee Museum?
1-23-5> 5
Under 5 years
6 – 17 years
18 – 24 years
25 – 34 years
35 – 44 years
45 – 54 years
55 – 64 years
65 and older

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